
All about growing beans


All about growing beans

The podded grain family consists of beans, peas, maize and broad beans.


Beans like :
  • Temperatures of 15 to 18°C for sowing.
  • Fertilising in the autumn with a fertiliser rich in phosphoric acid and potash.
  • Sunny exposures.
  • Regular watering in hot weather.


Beans do not like :
  • Too cold a soil at the time of sowing.
  • Soils that are too acidic or too calcareous.
  • Fertilisation just before cultivation.sowing and planting

Sowing can start as early as April in the early regions (Midi and South-West) and continue until August for harvests that will be spread out from June to October. The soil must be sufficiently warm (15 to 18°C soil temperature). The first rays of sunshine in spring are not enough.

Harvest: about 2.5 months after sowing.


Hoe once after emergence and again when the plants are 10-12 cm high. The second hoeing will be an opportunity to raise the soil around the plants. This hoeing improves the rooting of the plants and facilitates crop maintenance and watering. This is also the time to install stakes for climbing varieties and mulch. Water the beans well without wetting the foliage.

Diseases and pests

The main bean diseases are anthracnose, mosaic virus and fat. In all cases, it is advisable to choose new varieties that are resistant to diseases, especially anthracnose and mosaic virus. For grease, diseased plants should be destroyed immediately when the first symptoms appear (greasy spots on the leaves, stems or pods).

Crop rotation

It is necessary to wait at least 3 years before replanting beans in the same place.


To order your bean seeds, go to the website of our partner and supplier, the Sainte Marthe Farm. You can also find seeds from the Sainte Marthe Farm for sale in our shop on the park.

For more information, see the article " Growing beans successfully".

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